Saturday, February 11, 2012

"Woke up in London yesterday"

Friday February 10th:
            Today started with a trip to St. Marylebone National School for my practicum induction. This is a secondary all girls school that I will be going to almost every Monday for the whole day starting the 20th. Sarah, another Teaching Fellow, and I met with Ms. Swam- the assistant headmaster. She talked about the school set up (it’s a faith based school-Church of England-but state funded). Actually faith state schools are pretty popular here, even though it sounds oxymoronic to us. Then a Year 8 girl (12 years old I believe) gave us a tour around the school. It seems like a really nice school; Ms. Swan said it’s the highest achieving school in Westminister. So Friday was just a brief intro to the school, and I’ll start observing English classes the 20th! I’m so excited to see what they’re teaching over here, how the teach it, and see all the girls in their uniforms & with their accents!!
            After getting back from school, I made my first solo trip into London to get my boots fixed. Slightly anticlimactic to walk to this local shoe repair place, but as I said it was my first solo trip so I’m pretty proud of that.
            After lounging around the flat with some other girls being pretty laid back, three of us decided to do a British workout that Ginna Claire has used on the internet. It’s called BodyRock. Look it up. That day’s workout was a 12 minute hard core cardio workout. We were all so exhausted after doing it, and I could really feel the effects today. At least it was good for us plus it was flat bonding haha.
            Finally, 15 of us ended the night with a pub crawl. It started at a pub in Leicester Square and took us to 3 additional clubs. We all had a lot of fun hanging out with each other, and it was quite an experience to see the London nightlife! 

*Take away from the pub crawl: British people love American music! I probably knew 90% of the songs we heard, and about 75% of those songs were songs we would consider old…such as Pump It by Black Eyed Peas. But those older songs would come on & everyone there knew them, so it makes me think maybe they’re not so old for them…anyways. They love our music. Okay this blog is getting long, & I have another day to write about so I’m just going to end it here & start a new one!


  1. hahah i loved that about Europe. did they play YMCA??

  2. haha uhh no it wasn't that old school sorry. I wish though...
