Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cheers Mate!

Not much has happened the past few days--just getting a hang of the class schedule really. So yesterday was Tuesday which means GST and London Theater.
GST Sustainable Cities & Public Health is taught by Dr. Eric Hall, our professor from Elon. He seems really cool- we met him in some of our earlier meetings. This class, according to him, has 3 points: cities, public health, and London (duh). The best part about this class is that we’ll be doing some tours around London to really experience this area and tie it all in together. Our Thursday classes are 3 hours so they’re dedicated to tours or group projects. We’ll have 2 throughout the term, a final, a paper, and some other daily assignments. The work seems definitely manageable- Dr. Hall’s wife is here too so I think they want to be able to explore London and understand our mentality too.
Our London Theater professor is awesome!! She’s probably about 70 & was super involved in acting, directing, everything! Patricia Doyle. She studied in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts or something like that! She’s acted in the states and in England. She’s really experienced so I’m really excited to learn from her! We also go see 8 plays throughout the term! 8! Next week we see Noises Off, and we’ll see others like War Horse, One Man Two Governurs, and others! Ah! Patricia kept on saying “grand mixture”- she was involved in a “grand mixture,” we’re seeing a “grand mixture” of plays etc. Last night was one of girl’s birthday here so a bunch of us went to a local pub for dinner to celebrate! Other than that Tuesday was pretty anticlimactic except for more grocery shopping and tackling the bus system to get a ride back from our food shopping.
So today, Wednesday, is our Art in London class.  It’s technically 4 hours, but we’ll spend a lot of time in the museums, so that makes me happy! Next week we go to the National Galleries, and we’ll also go to the Tate Modern & others. I’m a little nervous about the academics of this class because I’ve never been particularly very good at art history, but Lisa (our teacher) says she wants us to know the fundamentals from Renaissance to Contemporary art so that we can give our own tour around the National Galleries to anyone that vists (Mom, Dad, & Liz be prepared!). Lisa is like an artsy Brit, even though she’s originally from the states. It will be interesting that’s for sure. So that’s really all that happened today…oh except for finishing the 3rd Hunger Games! Ah so good! (Katie G & I are basically counting down the days until the first movie comes out…)
Well that’s really all I have to post for today! Tomorrow & this weekend we’ll really get down to making some travel plans!


  1. You definitely have to see some shakespeare!

  2. I know I know I'm working on it. I have quite a bit on my list.
