Friday, February 17, 2012

Nothing On...I mean Noises Off...

So the last time that I blogged was the 13th which means I left of right in time for Valentine’s Day.
            February 14th began with GST class, theater class, and then back home. Our girls’ celebration of Vday was to go see The Vow. 10 pounds was a little (and by a little I mean a way too much) much for a movie, but we already made the trek out. Even though this doesn’t have to do with London…the movie was great! The fact that it was a true story just broke my heart! Great movie though in my opinion.
            *London fun fact…the previews for the movie was 30 minutes! And it was a combo of previews for DVDs, movie previews, and commercials. It was different…
            *Also London fun fact...they use the 24 hour clock here. Which I should have realized beforehand… And I’m really bad at it…

That’s it for Valentine’s Day so…February 15.
            The morning was a bit rough as Katie, Liz, & I tried to book our flight to Paris. We got a great deal on BudgetAir, but then budgetair decided to reject all of our transactions. Ugh. So that was just frustrating.
            Anyways, the frustration had to end because our art class required us to meet at the National Gallery.
 First we walked around Trafalgar Square a little to kill time. Anyways, you know those groups of college students taking notes in the museum that always look so scholarly? Yep that was us! It really was great! We did brief examples of about 10 art movements as we walked through the Gallery. Being able to look at the actual artwork is a fantastic way to learn the different movements!
            After the National Gallery, some of us girls met up with some of the guys to have dinner before our London Theater show Wednesday night. We found a Mediterranean restaurant (TAS Restaurant) that was great! We’ve been cooking and eating in so much to save money; I appreciated having a relaxing dinner out.
            After dinner we headed over to the Old Vic Theater which is this quaint solo building with fun red lights, and when you walk in it’s beautiful with gold coloring and red velvet. The play we saw, “Noises Off”, was hilarious! At first I wasn’t sure what I thought, but the 2nd and 3rd acts had me cracking up. It was a play (Noises Off) about a play (Nothing On). Brits really do like their slapstick humor. It was my first play here, and I was thoroughly amused. It makes me excited for the 7 others that we’ll see for this class! (Isn’t that great…this class is requiring me to go to 8 plays total that was all paid up front with the class fees).

Now, Thursday, February 16th.
            The day started with our GST Tour #2: London Rebuilt, Royal & Aristocratic. This tour took us to the West side of the city, and this side is the rich side! Or excuse me, “posh.” I think the borough we were in is called Mayfair, and I couldn’t get over how nice the area is! They’re definitely not used to tour groups walking through. Princess Diana’s hairdresser is over here right near a Rolls-Royce building not too far away from a Porsche dealer. And the cars that were driving around definitely fit the area too!
What also struck me from this tour is the existence of brothels. It’s heartbreaking. There are doors that appear to lead to nowhere, but apparently at night red lights appear, and you know those are the doorbells to ring. And this just exists right near nice pubs and other highly populated areas. Mindblowing.
On a happier side…on the way to go see St. James’ Castle we got to witness a Changing of the Guard. Not as big of an ordeal as it is at Buckingham, but it was still really cool to see!
After our GST Tour, Liz, Katie, & I finally booked our Paris weekend! Taking the Eurostar the first weekend in March! Ah I can’t believe it, we’ve been planning this forever, and I’m so excited!!! Now we still need to book our hotel…
Thursday night ended back at the International Student House for karaoke night. A large amount of our group headed over last night, and we had a blast hanging out with a few stepping up for karaoke. It was a great night- so much fun!
[ugh sorry no pictures in this is being slow...maybe later]

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