Monday, February 13, 2012

Macho Macho Man

Sunday, February 12th
            So I finally made it to church! St. John’s Parish-but the church is the Church of Our Lady. I went to the 10:30 Mass, and it was only about 5 minutes walking distance. What I learned…
1.      It’s very pretty, smaller, & cold! Kept my jacket on the entire time and my gloves most of the time…
2.      I knew it was a latin choir, but I didn’t realize that meant they sang every song including all of the responses to their full length. For things like the Holy Holy & Gloria, the priest introduced it, and then we all sat down because they were going to sing for so long. I may have to sacrifice some sleep to go to the 9 am next time…
3.      Having a Priest with a British accent didn’t surprise me because I’m so used to Irish priests at home.
After Mass & after lunch, some of us went to Covent Garden. If you saw my Facebook status that day, then you know I loved Covent Garden! It’s this adorable place with markets and markets and markets. There was the Apple Market, the Jubilee Market, and I think 2 other ones. I fully intend on going back to buy myself some pictures and paintings. At the Apple Market I bought my first British present. I’m so excited I love buying people fun gifts!

Oh and there is street performer after street performer. Apparently, you have to audition to be a street performer here. We saw a limbo dancer,
 a woman singing opera,
 a guy with 5 members of the audience dancing to the YMCA and the macho man…
    We also saw 2 middle aged guys juggling, cracking jokes, and riding on unicycles.

It was really sweet and so unique. Fully intend on going back…maybe even a couple of times…there’s so much to look at!
I almost forgot...Ben’s cookies! They’re large and filling yet fluffy all at the same time with a big chunk of delicious milk chocolate in the middle. Pair that with a big cup of hot chocolate, and I was sold!

  And that was Sunday!
*London Fact*: All the trash cans are labeled “litter”

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