Saturday, February 11, 2012

Rugs on rugs on rugs

Today-Saturday February 11th
            Started the day by picking up by repaired boots! Times like these really make me feel like I’m living here rather than just visiting. After lunch, 7 of us headed into London to go to Harrod’s. I highly suggest looking Harrod’s up- it’s famous. Think of Macy’s, or Carson’s in Chicago…then multiple the size by 5 & add every designer brand or company possible plus an extended Whole Food’s on the bottom. Now you maybe have a slight idea of what Harrod’s is. Five floors of everything you could possible want: clothes, baby wear, baby toys, pet accessories, food court, chocolatier, poultry, beef, vegetables, fruit, fitness gear, polo wear, crystals, bedding, furniture, jewelry, watches. and more and more and more. 

Don’t forget that this isn’t cheap items either but nice like Tiffany’s, Rolex, Swarvoski, etc. Each floor just went on and on and on, and in the center was this gorgeous Egyptian Escalator that had access to all 5 floors. (In reality though there are like 10 floors because there is a lower ground, ground, then literally three floors labeled Floor 1, and then 2-5).

            This place seriously blows my mind I wish I could represent that better. On our way out we stopped at an Ice Cream Parlor IN Harrod’s to get the most delicious, yet most expensive, 1 scoop of gelato ice cream. We also found a memorial to Princess Diana & Dodi. I just learned that she and the prince split up, and was unofficially engaged to Dodi whose father started and/or owned Harrod’s.
What else to share about Harrod’s…oh right- there is a Harrod’s GIFT SHOP in the store! What other store has its own gift shop, seriously? 

Every floor has at least one café/dining area. We spent 2 solid hours here just walking around, and we plan on coming back! Y’all should know I’m not an obsessive shopper it’s just so fascinating to walk through the rooms of food & items I could never afford! This blog is getting super long so I’ll move on from Harrod’s, but I mean Katie G & I watched a magician, and other people were in the elevator with a woman winging opera! This place isn’t real life. (oh and yes there was a giant section for rugs….)
            So after walking around Harrod’s we went to a pub called Aragon’s House to meet up with Ginna Claire’s British friend Tim. We stood around, because it was so crowded, and watched the England v. Italy rugby match. *Fun fact* PRINCE HARRY was supposedly spotted there earlier in the day before we got there. This pub is one of the first times that I’ve really felt like I was in London. So so so many guys (finally cute Brits like everyone talks about), drinking beer, and watching rubgy in this very British bachelor pad/pub with the leather chairs. I don’t know how to describe it, but everything really felt British. After that we just took our time on the tube coming home where we have all just been crashing in the flat. It was a long day on our feet, and tomorrow we hope to explore some famous markets! Oh, and I’m finally going to find a Church nearby! I’ll keep you all informed! I hope everyone’s actually enjoying reading this blog, because I know I have a tendency to go on and on…especially when I’m typing.
            First full week in London= complete!

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