Monday, February 6, 2012

When in London...

So Sunday night we ended up going to a Super Bowl Party at the International Student House (or ISH). Quite a few of us went and even though only a few of us stayed the whole time because it was so late we had a great time. This place is supposedly for international students only. We made friends with a group sitting near us- 1 Brit, 2 Italians, and 1 German. Very diverse group of guys, and it was fun to meet other students. As the game got started more and more Americans started showing up to watch the game. So even though I was up very late to watch the whole game, I did my patriotic duty and repped American well that night!
            Today was a low key day, a lot of people went to their school placements for “induction” or orientation, but mine isn’t until Friday. So after lunch I went with some people to King’s Cross! Yep that’s where the Hogwarts train departs from! We found Platform 9 ¾ and took many many pictures of course. It was a lot of fun to find this part of Harry Potter history, however it was in a nook by itself, not even in line with the other platforms and definitely not in-between 9 and 10….oh well. It was still a lot of fun, and the workers knew exactly what we were looking for before we finished our question. 

            Other than that we hung around, watched some British TV which is entertaining and full of dating website commercials…Then tonight all of the teaching fellows had our first “Teaching & Learning seminar.” This is every Monday night for just an hour. Tonight people shared stories about visiting their school, and our teacher-Elaine Davis-talked about the UK set up for the school system. It was actually pretty interesting and similar to a lot I’ve learned about France over the years. Tomorrow school is in full swing, & I think I’m going to start planning weekends and day trips!
            Random topic of the day: showers. I’m surprised I haven’t blogged about this yet, but my verdict is still out on the shower. It’s small….a square just barely big enough to move around in. The shower has two nobs. One has 4 points: off, one blue dot, one red dot, or two red dots. The other has 1 through 10, some red some blue. I’ve managed to figure out my heat settings I think, but I’ve had the temperature drop to freezing randomly so we’ll see. The most intriguing part is definitely the showerhead…it’s very European in the fact that you take it off and hold it to shower. So far I’ve felt very clean and my hair extra soft so even though the holding is a bit strange, my verdict is still out. Oh and I almost forgot! Just like my mom read to me from Rick Steve’s guidebook….outside of the bathroom door there is a switch that really turns the shower on and off. Strange. Okay bed time because we’re giving ourselves 1 hour to get to school tomorrow because it will be our first time trying to get on the tube during work rush hour….Hope all is well in the states!

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