Wednesday, February 1, 2012

In London!

I made it!! We had an 8 hour flight to London without any problems. The plane was pretty empty so we really got to spread out. Lying across two seats helped me get maybe 3 hours of sleep total…so I’m still pretty exhausted today. I also managed to read all of Catching Fire (Hunger Games book 2). After getting our luggage we had some time to kill, and then we loaded up onto our Coach bus with our 23 year old Scottish bus driver (Dad you’d be proud I couldn’t pinpoint his accent, but I knew it wasn’t English). We then drove all around to pick up the other group flight at the other terminal. Heathrow is HUGE. It was probably at least 10 minutes to drive from one terminal to the other. There we met up with more students, Dr. Hall (our Elon professor/advisor) & Rob (our guide for the next few days). We drove about 50-60 minutes to get to our flats, moved in, & got settled. They’re really nice! A European flat in the “posh” area of London! I’m living in an 8 person flat- two 3 person bedrooms, one 2 person bedroom, a full kitchen, and living room area. I think we’re all pretty impressed with our setup-they had us prepared for the worse. Then 7 of the girls walked around to Café Rouge for our first London meal at a French café. After that we just came back to the flat & tried to figure out the whole Internet situation. It’s only 1 o’clock here but feels like 9am. We have our first orientation at 2 and then plan on running a couple of errands. Not much to share, but I just wanted to let everyone know we made it!


  1. Funny how your first London meal was French...

  2. we were thinking the same thing! Apparently that's London...very ethnic!
