Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What a Pity!

20 days left in the program… 1 month until I leave London….this is crazy, where has the time gone?!?!?

Saturday, April 14th: Not much to report…Worked on homework, evening Mass, movie night in the flat with Transformers. The End.

Sunday, April 15th I visited Nick, a missionary brother from this past summer, at the retreat center where he is living and working now in England. Visiting his community was such a relaxing day! It’s surrounded by fields, and we spent the day chilling and relaxing with the people he lives with. We made a massive amount of vegetable and spaghetti Bolognese for six or so people which was nice. Nick also led a praise and worship session during Adoration, which was so incredible! I haven’t been able to do that in months, so that was such a blessing!

Monday, April 16th would have been a practicum, but I wasn’t feeling too hot, so I stayed home. KJ treated me back to health in time to go to class. Only one practicum class left!

A little back story before I continue with Monday…KJ, Neenz, and 2 other girls went to Switzerland this weekend to go hang gliding. On the tube ride home they met and befriended 5 Austrian guys visiting London for the weekend. They exchanged phone numbers so….

On Monday night we met up with them after class to just hang out at a pub. Dominik, Berney, Alex, Philipp, & Benny…they’re hilarious. They are all pretty good at English, really good actually, but the language barrier does cause some hilarious stories such as… they learned that Americans/Englishmen say “What a pity!” We told them “what a shame” or “that’s too bad” is a bit more common… They also had a really really  REALLY hard time distinguishing Vs and Ws, in their speech and listening to us. So for a while, “visiting” sounded a lot like “whisiting.” They call cell phones “handies,” and they actually say “ex-gf.” We spent a few hours at the pub with them, and they really didn’t want us to go home. It was so much fun hanging out with them!

Tuesday, April 17th just starts with class: GST & Theater. In Theater we watched a video about the making of War Horse, and that was actually really cool (though a bit long)! Afterwards we met back up with the Austrian boys for lunch. They are flying out tonight, but had some more time in the afternoon so we showed them around.

We took them to Hyde Park where they were fascinated by the SQUIRRELS. Seriously- they’ve never seen squirrels before and thought they were so cool. Ha. We told them to come to Elon, and they’ll see more squirrels then they’ll want to see in their entire lives… We also walked them around Oxford Street, before they had to head back to their hostel to get their bags and go to the airport. KJ, Neenz, & I were all actually really sad to say goodbye to them. They were such sweet and funny guys! It’s that atmosphere of meeting other tourists and befriending them for a short while and then going your separate ways that I’ll really miss back in the States! Even though they had to leave (sad day), we made some great memories just hanging out with them.

For example…they know the phrase “Like a boss.” When someone was eating really polite during lunch they said they were eating “like a sir.” Haha oh language barriers….

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