Saturday, April 7, 2012

Calm Down Joey!

April 3rd started pretty normal GST class and then Theater. After our little lunch outside, four of us headed to Aldgate East to do an audio guided walking tour for our Art in London class. This was actually really cool! In 1999, an artist recorded herself walking through the streets of Spittalfield, in the East End. She recorded all of the noises that she heard as well as dialogue and narration of a murder mystery. All of this was put together as well as her giving us directions as to where to walk. 50 minutes later, we had followed these guided directions all around the streets while hearing about a murder mystery while we were getting confused as to what sounds were live and what were recorded. It sounds a bit strange, but it was actually a really cool experience!

The rest of the evening was just spent in CafĂ© Nerro trying to get work done with the benefits of unlimited internet. 

April 4th started with a rough workout circuit led by Katie Gonino. Then my art class went to the Saatchi Gallery. Saatchi is a well known curator and collector of contemporary artwork, so we went to his Gallery which currently has a New German art exhibition. It was cool to study the art this way, and it’s all in preparation for our “fantasy exhibition,” aka our final exam.

The Johnsons arrived the night before so after the Gallery, Katie J, her parents, & I all went to Chinatown for dinner! Then we went and saw BILLY ELLIOT!! This musical was absolutely phenomenal!! Seriously incredible!! The talent of this 12 year old dancing boy honestly brought me to tears more than once. It’s an incredible plot even without all of the remarkable dancing! Probably one of the best musicals I have ever seen!!

Thursday, April 5th, was our weekly GST Tour. This week’s tour was entitled “London 2012.” It started in Hackney Wick, the town around the Olympics, and ended with us looking at the Olympic Park! So that’s pretty cool! They still have some aesthetic work to be done, but as a whole the facilities are basically up! It’s going to be really cool to see it on TV in a couple of months and know that I’ve been there.

Thursday night my Theater class went and saw WAR HORSE. I was a bit skeptical of seeing this on stage because it’s a puppet horse. Any worries I had were quickly erased because it was so well done! Even the mechanics of the powerful horse were so realistic you could imagine really watching a live horse! This week was a great week for theater!!

April 6th, Friday, was pretty low key. The day started off with a workout outside because it was nice out! We went to a little park by the canals that give Little Venice its name. After that, Neenz and I went to the grocery store to do some shopping for our Easter brunch! The rest of the day was a chill day, but Neenz, Michael, Connor & I all went to go see “This Means War” at a cheaper movie theater. So that was funny. Amusing movie (though I’m not so sure how I feel about the ending). Anyways…

Today, April 7th…one month left of the program! I cannot believe the time is flying by that quickly!

Today we went to the annual Oxford v. Cambridge boat race! These are crew teams from the two universities, and it’s a pretty big deal. We took the bus all the way down to Putney Bridge to watch the start of the race! After that, Bishops Gate park right next door had a screen up to watch the rest of the race! However…all of a sudden there is a random person in the water! Seriously, in between the front of both of the boats a person is in the water!! So the race had to stop! They had to stop to get this random person out, and then they had to reset. The race was so close!! But it took them at least 45 minutes to reset. And it was so cold out. So we ended up bailing early. As we were walking out though they restarted the race, oars collided, and Oxford lost a blade. So Cambridge ended up winning the race…bummer (not that we really cared, but we were cheering for Oxford!).

Since we were cold we stopped by Ben’s Cookies on the way home for delicious cookies and hot chocolate to warm up :)

The rest of today has been spent doing homework, uploading pictures, cleaning, blogging…just the usual.

Happy Triduum! This is a different triduum then I’ve ever had before, but at least it helps me think about what it is really all about!

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