Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Quick update!

Okay quick blog post to update you on the day to day things so I can blog about my weekend in Paris!
We left off on February 26th so…

February 27th: Just another day at St. Marylebone National School doing my practicum. Really this just means I’m back in high school minus the work because I sit in on English classes all day. Monday was a long day followed by our class that relates to the practicum and then went to see the play Hay Fever for my theater class. This play was about an eccentric artistic family that was hosting some guests for the weekend at their country home. It was really entertaining; if only we weren’t all so tired from the long day.

February 28th: Class and Class. Yep that’s about it.

February 29th: Art class. Every week our teacher always invites us to go to the pub just to talk after class, so this week five of us took her up on her offer. She’s a very unique person, so we had to the chance to informally chat and learn more about her so that was cool. However the best part of Wednesday was when I was scheduled to skype with Mary but that became more of a skype with my nephew Jesse. Even though my webcam wasn’t working so he couldn’t see me, we talked on skype for a good thirty minutes! I told him about the different English words, and we had quite an extensive conversation about the differences in sinks, showers, and outlets. He even asked me to send him some pictures of my outlet so he can look at it (did you get those pictures Mary?). It was adorable to talk to him, and I was so shocked he was so attentive for so long! He’s growing up J Next time I’ll try to talk to Ansley too.

March 1 (Happy March everybody): In the morning was an “East End Horror” tour for our GST class to see another side of London. We heard all about “murders and mutilations,” so that was very different that’s for sure. After that it was Paris prep! So we’ll leave that for the next blog post J

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