Friday, March 9, 2012

Everything we do in London is British

So not much has happened since my weekend in Paris, but I guess I can still catch you up on my day to day life in London.
            Monday, March 5th: Practicum. Same as usual. And then class in the evening. Sitting in English classes all day gets a bit tiring, but in my last period of the day my class was having a “reading lesson” in the library. In other words, I finally got to walk around and talk to this class. I was able to get to know them some, talk about books, and talk to them about why I’m here and what I’m doing. So that was a nice break from being the awkward Americans just sitting and observing.
            Tuesday, March 6th: In the morning was just class: GST and then Theater. At night, I went and saw The Madness of King George III for my theater class. Sometimes those plays set back a ways can get a bit boring and dull, but this one was something else. I was absolutely blown away by the actor that played King George. His acting during the episodes of “madness” was so realistic; I can still picture it vividly in my mind. I was very very impressed!
            Wednesday, March 7th: Started the day the best way possible with Mass and then just hung around the flat until it was time for art class. Wednesday’s class was partly a review for the midterm next week and partly an opportunity to walk around the Tate Modern. The Tate Modern, like it sounds, has contemporary and modern art, which isn’t always something I can truly appreciate. However after studying the movements and artists, it was really cool to see the artist’s work in person! Wednesday night a bunch of our program went to the Roadhouse in Covent Garden for some “rock-e-oke.” Now that was a lot of fun too! At least half of the people that sang were actually pretty good too! The other half…maybe not so much. That was a lot of fun. And on the entire Tube ride back, Neenz was in the mood to speak French…for 45+ minutes. I think she was inspired by our weekend in Paris…anyways we ended up sitting next to 2 French students on the tube that she could talk to. I wasn’t speaking in French myself, but I could understand their interaction and translated for KJ. So at least that ended up to be a pretty good story.
            Thursday, March 8th. Not too exciting, we started the day with a GST tour as always with Sean Boyle. This tour was all about the docks and wharfs of London. At least it was a pretty day out with blue skies! After that I spent some time in Café Nerro (actually where I am now too) to use the unlimited internet and get some work done. Then we had a nice poppyseed chicken dinner with the roommates, and a bunch of girls hung out in our flat to watch Crazy, Stupid, Love. Nothing too exciting, but a nice average day living in London!
            Now it’s Friday, March 9th, and I’m back in Café Nerro trying to work on homework!

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